Serial Port Settings

World Wide Web Browser



Start the browser and from the main page...

1) Click the '⋮' button with the tooltip description 'Customize and control Google Chrome' located near the upper right corner.

Brings up the 'Customize and control Google Chrome' menu.

2) Select '⚙ Settings' near the bottom of the menu.

Brings up the '◎ Settings' page.

3) Select '🛡 Privacy and security' to the upper left of the page.

Brings up 'Safety check' and 'Privacy and security' choices.

4) Select '≡ Site Settings' at the bottom of the choices.

Brings up the 'Site settings' options.

5) Click 'Additional permissions ⌵' located near the lower middle of the options.

Displays additional 'Site settings' options.

6) Select '▣ Serial ports' located near the upper middle of the options just shown.

Brings up 'Serial ports' default behavior options page.

7) Select '▣ Sites' can ask to connect to serial ports' radio button.

That's it! Now you will be asked permission to use a serial port instead of just being denied. You might also be asked to type in a password when Chrome starts, this gives the browser permission to ask you permission when using serial ports.

note.. For some reason the browser likes to display 'No serial ports found' at the bottom of the page. This has not been an issue.



Start the browser and from the main page...

1) Click the '⋮' button with the tooltip description 'Customize and control Chromium' located near the upper right corner.

Brings up the 'Customize and control Chromium' menu.

2) Select 'Settings' near the bottom of the menu.

Brings up the '◎ Settings' page.

3) Select '🛡 Privacy and security' to the upper left of the page.

Brings up 'Safety check' and 'Privacy and security' choices.

4) Select '≡ Site Settings' at the bottom of the choices.

Brings up the 'Site settings' options.

5) Click 'Additional permissions ⌵' located near the lower middle of the options.

Displays additional 'Site settings' options.

6) Select '▣ Serial ports' located near the upper middle of the options just shown.

Brings up 'Serial ports' default behavior options page.

7) Select '▣ Sites' can ask to connect to serial ports' radio button.

That's it! Now you will be asked permission to use a serial port instead of just being denied. You might also be asked to type in a password when Chromium starts, this gives the browser permission to ask you permission when using serial ports.

note.. For some reason the browser likes to display 'No serial ports found' at the bottom of the page. This has not been an issue.



Start the browser and from the main page...

1) Click the '⋯' button with the tooltip description 'Settings and more (Alt+F)' located near the upper right corner.

Brings up the 'Settings and more (Alt+F)' menu.

2) Select '⚙ Settings' near the bottom of the menu.

Brings up the 'Settings' page.

3) Select '◲ Cookies and site permissions' to the middle left of the page.

Brings up 'Cookies and data stored' and 'Site permissions' choices.

4) Select '▭ Serial ports' located near the upper middle of the options just shown.

Brings up 'Site permissions / Serial ports' default behavior options page.

5) Enable the 'Ask when a site wants to access serial ports (recommended)' switch. The switch being positioned to the right.

That's it! Now you might be asked permission to use a serial port instead of just being denied. You might also be asked to type in a password when Edge starts, this gives the browser permission to ask you permission when using serial ports.



Firefox does not currently support the use of serial ports.



Even with everything set properly, Opera did not list any of the available serial ports.

Start the browser and from the main page...

1) Click the '≡' button with the tooltip description 'Easy setup' located near the upper right corner.

Brings up the 'Easy setup' menu.

2) Select '⚙ Go to full browser settings' at the bottom of the menu.

Brings up the 'O Settngs' page.

3) Select 'Privacy & security' to the upper left of the page.

Brings up 'Privacy and security' choices.

4) Select '≡ Site Settings' near the top of the privacy and security choices.

Still on 'Privacy and security' choices but with different choices.

5) Click 'Additional permissions ⌵' located near the middle.

Displays additional 'Site settings' options.

6) Select '▣ Serial ports' located near the upper middle of the options just shown.

Brings up 'Serial ports' default behavior options page.

7) Select '▣ Sites' can ask to connect to serial ports' radio button.

That's it! Except that Opera does not list any serial ports.

note.. The browser likes to display 'No serial ports found' at the bottom of the page. This is an accurate message as Opera does not find any serial ports.


Why World Wide Web Browsers need permission for Serial Ports

Giant Robots.

Before recorded time, nineteen seventy to be exact, computers communicated with giant robots through serial ports and radio transmissions. It is done as a precaution to not accidentally reactivate one of these behemoths.

The historical recordings show the damage robots, both giant and regular size, can cause. From Maria to Mechagodzilla, the early robots were no longer to be trusted.

Johnny Sokko’s Flying Robot was the pivotal moment with the passing of the international robot law. In one historical recording, Giant Robo did not respond to Johnny Sokko’s command. While Giant Robo did act in a good and in a defensive manner, he did act on his own without obeying a human.

“Even if he was a child, does it think it knows better than us?”

No one disagreed at the international court and the international robot law was passed.

Some said the robots were a victim of prejudice. The rest said something about selling out the human race.

Radio communication to robots both large and small were outlawed. Communication with them was only allowed through wires so someone would be directly responsible for the robot’s actions.

Exceptions were allowed. Notable robots included ‘Robby the Robot’ and ‘Robot Model B-9’. They had performed without flaw and were beloved by the public. Sometimes you will find them touring at a historical recording convention.

That’s why you need to give permission to use a serial port.
